"A man needs a man" - is it true? If yes, who is this man?
What is loneliness and is it always associated with isolation from people?
I propose to analyze the photos and answer the question: on which of them are the heroines truly lonely?
We can at the same time have unlimited attention to our person, feel happy, bathed in admiring glances and words ...
And at the same time feel lonely, realizing that there is a hole in our chest, which we are trying to close with attention from the outside.
We can be in the company of close people who warm us with their smiles, but feel an inner coldness.
And at the same time, curled up in an empty and cold room, we can feel our boundless warmth.
We can find a circle of people who share our interests and experience true happiness in unity with like-minded people,
Or, in all the diversity of people, find yourself and feel peace in solitude.
Looking at these photos and trying to find the answer to the question I posed, “where is the heroine lonelier?”, the answer pops up by itself. It is obvious.
In any photo, she can feel either happiness or loneliness.
Then another question arises: is loneliness always associated with isolation, and happiness with the presence of people around us?
If not, what is the secret? How to find real happiness, independent of anyone and nothing?
Looking at my pictures you can not find the answer.
The very attempt to find the answer in them is tantamount to trying to find happiness in something that is outside of us.
My art is not about the insight, but it is a mirror in which you can look and find the answer in yourself. More than that, find yourself. To know this person and find that unity that does not depend on the presence of someone or something in our lives.
Here is unity with yourself.
Find the whole world in yourself, and you are not alone.
Wherever a person is, among people or alone with himself, he feels happy, because he has himself – so interesting and multifaceted among such interesting and versatile people
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