We have forgotten how to trust each other. A hackneyed phrase, but as relevant as ever.
Few would argue with the fact that man has invented a colossal number of all kinds of ways to "play hide and seek": castes, roles, races, social standards, clothes, photoshop... all the amenities for what we could seem others as we wish.
And it was at that moment when the scales turned from “to be” to the side of “to seem” - we, as people, began to lose. We have become too focused on what we need to be and have begun to forget what we are.
Today a person can live life and die without knowing himself.

For the rest of his life just guessing.
«You must be fit, not have acne, wrinkles and fat, hair in unwanted places.
You must have a round ass, a pretty face and erect breasts if you are a woman, a fat wallet and a penis if you are a man.»
«If something of the above is missing for you, hide it. And if you do not hide, you will become an outcast.»
That's what the rules of the game dictate to us. Acruel game that multiplies conflicts every day. Both external and and internal.

How to change the rules of the game? How to restore honesty to the world?
My answer is to take off your clothes.
Deeper, kinder and purer. PHOTO PROJECT
Look at the picture. What do you see? People? Yes, you are looking at them. But do you see them? Take a closer look at the girl in the center. Who is she for you? What do you think of her? What do you feel for her? What is your sample? Look and try to answer all these questions. Did you answer?
Now look at the next frame.
Now look at that girl again.
What do you think of her now? How do you feel about her? Have your feelings changed?
Feel the whole range of emotions that you are experiencing now and answer the question: has she become closer to you?
This girl's name is Masha. Right now, she will show you what honesty is. It will give you back your lost sincerity.
Our body is neither beautiful nor ugly, it does not obey invented terms, does not play deceit, does not hide his nature. Our body is our truth. It obeys only nature and is formed in parallel with our life. The body is like a map, showing the whole history of a person's life.
Look at the constitution of the skin - everything has its own pattern. The biggest mistake people make is to perceive the nature of the body as a collection of imperfections.
We are free to choose how to live in this world. Every choice you make is reflected in your body. Whether it's folds cubes on the stomach, corrected posture or scars.
The totality of decisions shapes us and our body in a special way. This is our recorded history which cannot be compared or criticized.
The very illusion of “ideality”, the very imposed standards, prevents us from understanding this truth. We play this game; we break the value of our own and other people's nature with a feeling of envy and a desire not to be worse. The ideal is so destructive that it makes people compare, dividing them into beautiful and ugly.
And we lose the courage to love our features.
The scars on Masha's thighs are the result of bipolar disorder. In the acute phase, she needed to injure herself in order to continue with daily activities.
The scar on the abdomen is the result of the operation, that remained after the removal of the tumor. Our whole life is reflected on our body not to disfigure, but to designate us,
to draw an exceptional pattern on a natural canvas.
Each tattoo was made in a special period of life. Body language is frank language. It doesn't need words. Even talking with Masha for years, we would not have known
about her as much as we learned now by looking at the body. It is very personal because it shows deep experiences of the past. And isn't that true beauty?
All these patterns, these features – that’s who we are. Our past, our present. Our frankness.
Moving from words to body language, we become capable of real love, real acceptance.
All boundaries are erased, all standards become boring and uninteresting, because body language -figurative, he exposes the truth that is hidden under the clothes.
Body language is not capable of violence. There is no place for bullying, there is no place for intolerance.
The spoken word is always a lie, but the body never lies.
Get naked, go to the mirror and ask yourself “what do I feel?”, “what do I know about myself?”, "Who am I?" and your body will respond to you.
Where there is nakedness, there is honesty. Where there is honesty, there is love. Where there is love, there is peace.
Mutual respect and love will reign in the world when we all take off our clothes.
+7 977 963 48 09
based in Moscow/Russia